Saturday, July 31, 2010

Urban Parks

“If we in the Third World measure our success or failure as a society in terms of income, we would have to classify ourselves as losers until the end of time,” declares Enrique Peñalosa, former Mayor of Bogota. “So with our limited resources, we have to invent other ways to measure success. This might mean that all kids have access to sports facilities, libraries, parks, schools, nurseries.”
Peñalosa uses phrases like “quality of life” or “social justice". "Happiness itself is a commons to which everyone should have equal access."

During Penalosa's term, 1200 parks and playgrounds reportedly were upgraded or added. It seems like there is some green space within a short walk for most citizens, including the core city. Given the population density and intense traffic, these public spaces are a delight - and a necessity.

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