Sunday, August 1, 2010

Water Issues

Water Recycling
A model treatment plant at Recinto del Pensamiento outside Manizales takes all the graywater from the facility and passes it through a series of filtering and oxygenation ponds. This multi-use eco-park was created by the region's large coffee growers and is a showplace for herbal plantings, butterflies, bonsai, bamboo, orchids and bird watching.

Water Conservation
When there was a water shortage, a former Mayor of Bogota, Antanus Mockus appeared on TV programs taking a shower and turning off the water as he soaped, asking his fellow citizens to do the same. In just two months people were using 14 percent less water, a savings that increased when people realized how much money they were also saving because of economic incentives approved by Mockus; water use is now 40 percent less than before the shortage.
"The distribution of knowledge is the key contemporary task," Mockus said. "Knowledge empowers people. If people know the rules, and are sensitized by art, humor, and creativity, they are much more likely to accept change."

This wise water-use comic appears in Bogota's public bathrooms.

Composting Toilets

While not yet widely used, this is a model two-chamber composting toilet that was constructed in the growing eco-village of Nashira in the Valle del Cauca...complete with comic-book instructions that you can read while using. Manual water flush for pee and sawdust for solid waste.

And the Bad News...
Many rivers are still badly polluted by industry, agriculture  and low income settlements along the banks. The government fines are simply paid by the factory owners who continue to discharge.
This is the Rio Cauca as it passes through Barrio Juanchito as one exits Cali travelling north towards Palmira. The government has announced plans in 2009 to clean this 800km river, but....


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